
 Lutheran PARISH



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Gran-Park-Rollag Lutheran Church



October 6th

Gran at 8 a.m.; Rollag at 9:30 a.m ; Park at11 a.m

1st Communion Service for the families of 5th Graders

Sunday school will sing at Rollag

October 13th

Gran at 8 a.m.; Rollag at 9:30 a.m, Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. ; Park at11 a.m

Parish Education Committee Meeting at 11:30 AM in the education room.

October 20th 

Parish Service At Rollag at 9:30 a.m. with the Rollag Gospel Trio; No Sunday School.

October 27th 

 Gran at 8 a.m. ; Rollag at 9:30 a.m.; Park 11 a.m.

Rollag will host Trunk or Treat following services - at about 10:45 kids will be able to head out to the parking lot for your treats!!! Come decorate your vehicle and join the fun!!

November 3rd

 Park at 8 a.m. ; Rollag at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School at 10:30 AM ; Gran 11 a.m.

Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sunday


Sunday School Schedule and Bible Verse 

October 6th  - Group Sunday School

Youth to sing at Rollag at 9:30 AM

October13th - A Flood Covers the Earth

October 20th - No Sunday School

October 27th - Trunk or Treat - following services please head downstairs for a snack and receive a Treat bag to gather your treats.

God Always Loves us.

"And may you have the power to understand, as all God's People should, how wide, how long, how high and how deep his Love is." Ephesians 3:18

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What is Church Connect - another way to see what is happening in the churches. Click the above link and sign in to keep updated with weather related announcements - with this app you will be notified of Church cancellation via text or email (you must register/sign up to get these alerts). Also you will be able to see events that are taking place in the three churches and options to sign up or register for events. Get the app now!!! Click the connect with us.

we are a 3-point Lutheran church Parish.

3 Churches located in beautifully unique rural settings.

Gran Lutheran Church

11976 230th St S, Hawley, MN 56549

 Every Sunday in March 11:00 AM

Holy Communion the 1st and 3rd

Rollag lutheran church

10501 MN-32 S, Hawley, MN 56549

Every Sunday: 9:30 AM / Sunday School 10:30

Holy Communion the 1st and 3rd Sunday


29464 78th Ave S. Hawley, MN 56549

Every Sunday in March 8:00 AM

Holy Communion the 1st and 3rd Sunday

Devotional by Pastor Jim

Dear Wonderful People,


Theologian Martin Luther wrote some 500 years ago, "Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my on apple tree."


During this time before Christmas we might feel our world is in chaos as we try to do too much before December 24th/25th! This isn't even taking into account all the insanity in politics, wars and unrest in the world, and concerns about family and friends. No matter what, we can still "plant our own apple tree!"


What would be on healthy or helpful thing you could "plant" in your day to guide you to see and/or feel a bit of sanity? When would it be beneficial to take a pause in your day? How can you make time to let go of unfair expectations so you could breathe a bit easier?


Chaos is a part of life AND so is taking time to plant a healthy habit in our day. Instead of inviting or creating chaos may we learn to step back and breathe in the blessings God has already given us.


May we all make time to pause and remember the gift of time with God, friends, and some solitude to count our blessings - as we realize how many gifts have already been given to us.


God's Peace,

Pastor Jim

Prayer Request

Please fill out the prayer request form below, and our congregation will lift you in prayer at our Sunday Services.

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