Lutheran PARISH
Youth and Family Ministry
Sunday School - ages 3 to 7th grade - Parish Sunday School is each Sunday held at Rollag Lutheran Church at 10:30 AM
Confirmation - 2 year program for 8th and 9th graders with Affirmation of Baptism usually held on the first Sunday in May. Wednesday evenings
Youth Ministry - we offer VBS, bowling and pizza parties, singing in Church along with outside the Churches at local nursing homes. As youth we are active in providing cards for shut in's and many other service projects in helping our youth live out their spiritual lives.
* Middle School retreats
* Summer Bible Camps
Luther League - Grades 7th - Seniors in high school are very important in our churches, these are encouraged to live the life Jesus has taught us - serving one another. These youth are very active in WMSTR this is one of their major fundraising events. These youth have attended National Youth Gatherings, Bible Camps, Mission Trips and have also planned local service projects like packing backpacks, shopping for the Giving tree, and much more.
Come join our Youth!
11976 230th St S, Hawley, MN 56549
10501 MN-32 S, Hawley, MN 56549
29464 78th Ave S Hawley, MN 56549